Handcraft Market Tour
Visit this Artisan's town (Dominicos Village, Pomaire, Bellavista), where you'll find gathered in one place the most diverse and the best Chilean handcrafts sample. Walk thru its tiny streets and find the piece you are searching to take away.

Drive to Bellavista district for an amazing handcraft market where you'll find all the gifts you are looking for; starting with unique Lapizlazuli Shops, leather artisans, precolombine art objects, typical "huaso" articles, souvenirs and everything made off native materials.

Plan together your customized tour according to your interests.

To consider:
- Open to visitors all year round
- Prices depending on number of persons
Juan Francisco Martinez - Cell Phone: +5699 840 3920 - E-mail: juanfrancisco@chileroundtours.cl
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